This is my (aka Gordon Naylor's) blog for my Rural Internship in Cold Lake Alberta. I am working at the Native Friendship Center for the summer and will be blogging frequently about my adventures and such in Cold Lake.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Soooooooooooooo, one of the many perks my job has is that every Thursday I get to partake in a lovely lunch time meal with people from Cold Lake here at the Friendship Centre. The meal is very basic but it's probably the highlight of many people's weeks. It is a warm meal in a warm place and you get to visit with many people. Last week I was at a workshop all day (which will eventually be a blog, I'm just working out the details) so I had to miss this wonderful event.
This is not how the meal went....
This cost of this meal is covered by Agnes herself. This act of selflessness is quite inspiring, as she does this EVERY week. I couldn't imagine many people who are willing to pay for a meal for upwards of 40 people every week of the year. This is one of the small things the Friendship Centre does that is taken for granted many times. My first week here, the chicken that was going to be used for the soup that week had been stolen. A little disappointed, but still determined, Agnes bought more chicken and the meal took place with out any issue.
This is unless the chicken actually did cross the road...
Another amazing part of this whole weekly meal is that there are volunteer cooks every week. This is done by anyone who is able and willing to come that particular Thursday. It's amazing to see the pride the cook's take into making their own creation that week.
All that was different was that the cook this week wasn't wearing that lovely hat...
This week's main course (which is always a soup) was bacon and potato soup. It was delicious. I ate two bowls and wanted more, but I restrained myself. But besides amazing soup every week, there is another item on the weekly meal that makes me smile just thinking of it....BANNOCK!!!!!!!!1!!!!
Hands down the greatest invention ever...
There was soooooooooooooo much bannock, it was like I died and went to heaven! If you have never have had the blessing of eating some bannock (or for those who haven't even heard of it) it's basically the most amazing thing in the world. Simple items create this amazing dish. If you have not had the opportunity to create the dish here is a how to video on it!
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